Sunday, 8 March 2015


Visual Merchandising is the art of displaying merchandise in a manner that is appealing to the eyes of the customer. It sets the context of the merchandise in an aesthetically pleasing fashion, presenting them in a way that would convert the window shoppers into prospects and ultimately buyers of the product. A creative and talented retailer can use this upcoming art to breathe in new life into his store products. Passion for design and creativity are essential to be a good visual merchandiser. A perfect design process and the ability to create ideas that are different are required. Awareness of happenings in fashion world is needed so as to keep up-to-date with the dynamics of the market constantly.

Visual merchandising includes window displays, signs, interior displays, cosmetic promotions and any other special sales promotions taking place.


Visual merchandising is a critical element in retailing. The facades and windows which are done with an objective to attract the passer bys and walk-ins of the corridor, there are in store decors too that are enhanced for the customers comfort and convenience while shopping and to offer a superior shopping experience.

Consumer behavior studies has confirmed that a beautifully done up show window and decorated facades prove irresistible as they walk into check out what is an offer. When no two stores look alike it ensures exclusivity. Besides, when the mood and theme of displays change at regular intervals it makes certain that the store remains top of mind. ‘Stickiness’ in retail formats is ensured by the imaginative use of colours, lighting, space, furniture and visual elements with regard to in-store displays.

When customers walk in, it is to ensure that they enjoy their first encounter with the store. Repeat visit will only happen if a customer’s first visit is a memorable one and was satisfied with the purchase. The logical arrangement of counters, with clear passageways allows for easy ace to merchandise rather than getting lost in the mazo which happens with most of the large stores. This system of arrangement makes the customers feel more in control too. Clear passages are provided for products which need touch and feel. All the impulse purchase driven products should be clearly displayed so that its easy to reach them without any hindrance. Also, it has been observed that, when a person enters a room or a store, the human eye moves in a Z pattern, i.e. from rear left of the room to right rear then from front left of the room to front right. Care should be taken while we design the store; it should be in an appealing manner so that it guides the direction of vision and keeps the shopper visually interested.


There are certain components which a retailer needs to take care while displaying their products. All these components when combined together in a proper ratio will give a successful outcome in the displays of a showroom.


The main aim of displays is to showcase the product within the display area even enhancing the display area. Customers normally gives three to five seconds of their attention to the window display at first. In this short period of time, the retailers visual message should be conveyed to the customer. The arrangement of the window display should go with the products and should not be discernible to the eye.


Colour is one of the most powerful tools in the visual merchandising segment. It’s a visual perceptual property. Colours are associated with emotions, special occasions and gender. It gives attention and pulls more customers to the store. A retailer has to choose a right colour that would match with the theme of the display. Its not always possible to satisfy everyone but its possible to cultivate the taste of customers gradually and purposefully. A right choice of colours in the displays can make a walker into the shop and lowly convert them into a customer. Its there for mandatory to choose the right colour in the display theme.
Ex: A Halloween display have a black colour, Christmas display as a colour of red, green, gold and silver etc.


The content of the display should complement the in store environment and other marketing strategies of the retailer. If the retailer has a specific logo, the colors of the display can reflect the same color of the logo. For e.g. MacDonald’s display, the clown is of the same color, red and yellow as in their logo.


Neat and clean arrangement is the foundation of an inviting a successful visual display. A beautiful display can be ruined by a cracked sign holder or an unclean display environment. Effective cleaning schedule of showcases and display fixtures is required.


Changing the arrangement of the displays in regular intervals will initiate new interest about the products in the minds of the customer. By designing a plan-o-gram and activating changes frequently one can thus be a proactive retailer.

With globalization and the retail boom, visual merchandising is growing in leaps and bounds. It is not simply concerned about decorating a store beautifully; but must also symbolize the brand keeping the target audience in mind.


  1. @mubeena a very detailed and helpfull research, Keep up the good work . I am sure this kind of work will take you long way and can be helpful for upcoming merchandisers . Keep it up

  2. very informative!! looking up for more ahead!!
    All the best! <3

  3. Heyyy nycc reserchh !!
    Keeep it upp !!
    Hope u comee out with flying colorzz in ua wrk !!
    Alll d best 😀😀 keep goingg !!

  4. Good knowledge and experience. Allah gives you inspiration to write more more. ...It keeps in heart.

  5. Good work mubeena. Very well written and rightly put together. Hope to read more of your work
